broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Six ~
Thursday, February 9, 2012 @ 5:48 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
           I wanted to forget you, but I just couldn’t....
Bonjour people! I've finally reached the sixth chapter of my diary, which is something really not worth celebrating, but still it's something to be happy for, because I never thought I would actually made it till where I am today. I've always been an extremely inconsistent sluggard (I NEVER FINISH ANYTHING, especially homework). Well, at least I've managed to accomplish a little something in my life - A BLOG (two blogs actually; one I've abandoned, one I've tried to abandon but failed). So, this is it - chapter six! :)
  I miss you, but most of all, I miss us....
Today was just like any other days; nothing peculiar, nothing awesome, nothing particularly depressing. It was just another day spent in a dreadful dungeon called S-C-H-O-O-L where life strays along the dusty corridors, where life longs to escape from the anguished growls of teachers and the unbearable sight of your ex-best friend flirting with BOYSwhere life disperses and shatters, where life is beyond imperfection..... 
Sometimes, I just wish I were somewhere else but HERE. But before I start to rant, and rant, and rant about it, I'd like to say a few words to my mom: Mommy (please read this), I just want to thank you for all those crazy but wonderful moments we've had - gossiping about BOYS, grumbling about how bad our days went, and cursing on the top of our lungs when we couldn't find our favorite matching tops. And to be perfectly honest, mom, you can be pretty crazy sometimes, but that's what really makes you the most awesome mother anyone can ever dream of having, and I have you. Mommy, it's been wonderful being part of your life, and it's even more wonderful to have you being part of my life. You've always taught me to live everyday as if it were the last, to brave the storm without an armor, to smile at the hurricane, and to walk in God's faithful ways. I can never imagine how I would've lived without you. Happy birthday mommy! And I hope everyday in your life could be as happy as today. ♥ ♥  ♥ 
                                                                                       This is for you mommy. Lots of love
Well, now that I'm done with that, I might as well carry on with my rantings. Like I just said, nothing BIG happened today, unless you consider the fact that a boy sitting in front of you kept pissing you off and drove you to the brink of insanity is a BIG deal. Do you have any idea how it feels like when you're trying so hard to push someone away from your life and that person just keeps barging in as if nothing's happened? It' the kind of feeling when you're desperate to have HIM strangled to death, and that's exactly how I feel right now. So this is for HIM, if he ever read this: Dear 'Rudely-barging-into-someone's-life-jerk', I've been trying to get rid of you from my life, trying to walk on a tightrope without falling into thoughts of you....but you just don't get the message, do you? Maybe it wasn't obvious enough for you? Maybe, or maybe NOT. So I'm begging you, for the last time, PLEASE GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!! I'm fine living without you, so don't come crawling back. If you really do like me, then stop doing this to me. You have no idea how painful it is to think that someone's in love with you when he's really NOT. I'm tired of your twisted games, and I suppose you, too, are tired of steering the wheel. I didn't know what it's like to be thrown into the whirlpool of love, until now - I fought, I struggled; I suffocated, I lost. That's all to it, and I do hope you won't do anything stupid after reading this. Well, my definition of the phrase 'don't do anything stupid' is:
1) Don't stand beside me, in front of me, or anywhere near me just to get my attention. It really pisses me off.

2) Don't make stupid noises or say my name in a weird accent just to get my attention. It makes matters worse.

3) Don't lay a single finger on my stuff without my permission. It really gets me off the edge.

4) Don't walk into my life as my prince charming and then walk off as a stranger. This is probably where I'd kill YOU.

And so, I've made my conclusion pretty clear: LOVE STINKS.
This is one of the many reasons why I choose not to believe in love. I'm not trying to deny the fact that happily-ever-afters do exist in this world of ours, but most of the time, love hurts and that's the truth. To those who are drowning in love, Jinx is here to pull you out of the mire! :)
                      Now that you’re crossing the line....
    I’m afraid I have no choice but to kill you.
Oh, by the way, did I mention that I won't be able to make it to my school exam on the 8th and 9th of March due to a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Korea? Yup, I didn't, but now I am. You see, my dad booked six tickets to Korea a day before the teachers decided to announce the date of our first term examination, and as unexpected as things go wrong in life, IT REALLY WENT WRONG! One of teachers suggested that I should ask my mom to write a letter to the principal, and so I heeded her advice. But just when I thought everything would be okay, everything turned out to be NOT OKAY. At all. I was forced to accept the fact that I'll be seeing more than 4 giant 'F's on the grading list - THIS WOULD BE THE END OF ME!!!! I freaked out, of course, and then shed a few tears; I went back home, locked myself in a bathroom, and cried my heart out. My friends tried to console me, but consolation wasn't what I needed; what I needed was someone to help me get out of this mess. I was demanding for help from everyone I knew - my friends, my teachers, and my mom. However, I didn't get any help from any of them, not that they didn't want to, it's just that they didn't know how, and I really don't blame them. It's not my dad's fault either. All I can blame is myself, but when I look at the bright side, it's actually not that bad. Not bad at all. Hey, at least I've got a chance to go to one of the most beautiful countries in the world - KOREA. My friends and I have been dreaming to go there to meet all our favorite K-pop stars, and now it's a dream-come-true for me. cheers* I'm living the dream, baby! So who cares about that stupid exam anyway? NO ONE
Recently, I've been working on the themes of my Tumblr blogs, and today I'm proud to announce that...
Remember to check them out. :) Click here to view my first Tumblr blog, and do visit my second one, too. Sayonara people, and have a pleasant day! :)

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