broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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TAIWAN 2012 ~ Day 4 ~
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 @ 10:16 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

24th of November - Saturday 

Hey there peeps, I think I've grown tired - in other words, LAZY - to write in paragraphs now, so I might as well give in to the lazy bugs dwelling inside my gut and allow the photos to tell the story. After all, photos do speak more than words. ^_^ (Note to self: Captions are a waste of time and energy.)

At Jiangnan Resort (江南度假村)

At Sitou's Monster Village (妖怪村)

At Sun Link Sea (杉林溪) 

That's all for Day 4 guys!! ^^

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TAIWAN 2012 ~ Day 3 ~
@ 12:14 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

23rd of November - Friday 

And finally, here we are at Day 3 - a day packed with the most fun, excitement, exhilaration, and adventure! We had spent the night in E-Da Skylark Hotel, one of the finest and most glamorous hotels in Kaohshiung; and next to it was E-Da Theme Park. So it only took our bus less than 3 minutes to get there. But the tour guide merely gave us 2 hours to have fun in the theme park which, clearly, wouldn't be much fun since we had to rush from here to there; and the fact that a huge part of the park was out under the blazing sun kind of dampened our high spirits. So, to lift them up a little, we went on this ride: 

It's actually not as scary as it seems, trust me. You can feel the soft breeze brushing its tiny fingers across your cheek as you shoot straight up into the air, feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as your heart makes a descend all of a sudden. I was giggling throughout the ride, not because the seat made my butt feel ticklish (well, not entirely), it was because my dad, who had taken the seat next to me, was alternating between screaming like a little girl and squealing like some sort of tortured animal. =_= It was EXTREMELY embarrassing. All the other passengers were looking at us as if we were a pair of crazy pants; one trying so hard to suppress laughter that a series of distorted guffaws poured from her lips, the other trying so hard to fight nausea that shrieking became the only option to keep himself sane. Oh well, like daughter. =w=

"Swoooooosh..." went the pirate ship. We watched it from afar as it swung up and down, back and forth, to and fro; I wondered what it was like to be in it, since I had never been in one before. I remembered seeing this in Korea's Everland, begging for mom's permission to ride in it, almost bursting into desperate tears when she forbade me. Mom said I would probably die of cardiac arrest and she didn't want the last moments of my life recklessly spent on a theme park ride. =_= Well, that's my mom. But this time, mom wasn't around to keep an eye on us, so that leaves dad the only grown-up assigned to babysit us. LOL* x) But dad has always been the gentle one; plus, he's the boisterous 12-year-old in a 42-year-old man's body. After the horrid experience of nearly losing his voice and blacking out, however, dad refused to join me this time. But I wasn't alone - my sister and my cousin volunteered to keep me company. We were the last passengers to take our seats, and after a minute we strapped on our seat-belts, the ship began shifting slowly. Just when I thought the fun was about to start, the ship started to move higher, and faster; just when I thought I would giggle even crazier this time - boy, I was dead wrong. 

If my estimations are correct, the ship began at a slight 20° angle, then it ascended to 50°, then 90°. It stopped there for a second or two, then swooped down. My eyes were tightly shut; all I could hear around me was a mix of deafening screams and choked-up laughter. The strong wind slamming into my face every time the ship was sent plummeting down forced my eyes open. I looked down beside me and saw my cousin clinging onto my sister's arm, wide-eyed with fear. And my sister...she wasn't really capable of forming words. She just kept her head down and her mouth sealed. Maybe she was afraid that her breakfast of bacon and eggs would manage to escape from her throat and find itself landing on an unfamiliar face across her once she opened her mouth. Well, just maybe. XP It was as if we were in an actual pirate ship, a hell-bound vessel being tossed around in a raging tempest. We were all so overwhelmed with joy when the ship came to a screeching halt. I was dying to get out of there, to be the first one to rush out and fall into dad's arms. Note to mom: See, I didn't die of cardiac arrest!! 

Besides roller-coasters and pirate ships, there's one last thing you mustn't miss - 4D indoor rides. You know, rides that consist of special 3D glasses, jolting chairs, water spraying out from nowhere and imaginary snakes slithering beneath your feet. Rides that are suitable for all ages, rides that won't possibly give you a cardiac arrest. We went for a couple of those rides before taking a train to E-Da's royal theater. There, we watched a live performance - a ballerina twirling with her hoop in mid-air, two boxers bouncing on trampolines, and a clown playing nasty tricks on a poor couple. The whole performance was OK, not too bad but not as awesome as Korea's Sachoom. Anyway, we left the theme park before 1p.m. as promised. So, our next stop was...

...the Ten Drum Culture Village. It's a culture park created by a Grammy-Awards-nominated Ten Drum Art Percussion Group. We had the honor to watch a group of performers who had once drummed their way into the Grammys from front-row seats!? Smashing. :D 

I sure hope the pictures are clearer, sorry if they are a little too blurry. :/ Their performance lasted for about 40 minutes; it was supposed to be half an hour only, but the audience wouldn't stop shouting 'Encore!' until they gave us the great finale - a wave of drums. After the performance, we were given basic percussion lessons by a professional drummer. He told us to follow his beat, and everyone did, everyone but my two little cousins. During those seven days in Taiwan, I was given an ardent and almost impossible task - babysit them when their parents weren't around. Though I think the word 'tame' seems to be more appropriate. So trust me when I say this: they NEVER listen. =x=   

At about 4p.m., it was time for us go! Our tour guide (his name's James by the way) said we had no time to lose, made sure we had all used the toilets, coaxed everyone into the bus, and then it was 'off we go again'! After about two hours stuck in the bus with no toilets to satisfy my dire need, we finally arrived at our destination - Jiangnan Resort. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic on the highways; we would've been late, and I...would've burst.

Great. I look really retarded in this photo. =_= Anyway, see those things strapped around our heads!? Those are our butterfly headbands; made them ourselves by following a few simple instructions, like: insert the two yellow straps into the gaps, then put in the blue ones, then twist them inwards one by one until each forms a curve, and lastly, slip the orange strap through the middle and voila - you have yourself a butterfly! :) Then, we made our own soap. Yes, real soap people! But I ain't got any photos of it, sorry guys. >< There's something called describing, though; it's just that I'm lazy to. ;) 

Just bear with me guys, you have to no matter what! :3 Now, we've come to the end of Day 3, all's well that ends well.

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Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.