broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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here we go again...
Friday, January 10, 2014 @ 11:28 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

I'm not gonna start with a whole bunch of cliches such as 'oh, in the blink of an eye, a year has gone by', 'time flies, so fast that none of us could catch hold of it', or 'take the leap of faith, make no regrets this year'. Nonsense. Complete bullshit. So yeah, Happy New Year fellow readers, bloggers, stalkers, Tumblr haters, friends, ex-classmates, rivals, and strangers. I know it's a little TOO late to say this, but hey... it's better than nothing. Well, before I go on and ramble about my failed attempt to complete last year's list of New Year's resolutions, I shall wrap up all the unforgettable (some rather embarrassing) moments, life-transforming adventures, inadvertent breakthroughs, new experiences and small triumphs of 2013 in today's entry.

I do not keep journals, and I barely updated my blog last year except for those few days after SPM. Therefore, I'm writing this entry completely based on my rather feeble memory, without any significant memorabilia or specific date to render me assistance. However, with my best endeavors, I shall place each puzzle piece right where it belongs. If you are not a fan of humdrum teenage drama, you may exit this page by clicking on the bright red button on the right. I suggest you make up your mind with all possible haste as I am about to begin...

January - March 2013

~ Finally got myself a seatmate hooray*. Despite the fact that she was a total nerd / geek / anti-social freak who could manage having her eyes glued on add-math all day long without talking to anyone, and I mean anyone, she was actually a really nice person to sit with - she did my homework wink*. 

~ Had no choice but to accept the offer and become an official committee member of The Chinese Society, thanks to Pn. Yap's relentless pleas and threats. #nokidding 

~ Went to Astro's Animax Fair at Sunway with Aiman, Kok Kwan, Chien Wenn and Queck. I didn't want to go at first, because Chien Wenn was going. Kok Kwan literally begged me to go, and so being the softhearted person whom I am, I went. The moment I stepped into that mall, I totally regretted going. The others were busy talking to each other, whilst I was busy whatsapping Xi Wen, pleading her to come save me from misery. But, to my starkest astonishment, the misery didn't last more than 15 minutes - Chien Wenn actually talked to me OMG*. And so, we officially became good friends again. After 3 hours of standing in line under the relentless blaze of the sun (technically it was the dudes who stood in line under the sun for 3 hours, Chien Wenn and I ditched them and went shopping LOL*), we finally got in. But the fair turned out to be a complete bummer. Totally not worth the 3-hour wait. -_- After dinner, we managed to catch a Disney movie, Oz The Great & Powerful. The movie was definitely the highlight of the day, after being put through such displeasing circumstances. Lessons of the day: 1. Never trust anime fairs organized by Astro. 2. Always appreciate a Disney movie 'cause it might just have what you need to turn a bad day into a good one.  

~ Secretly had my hair dyed. YES, THE BIG SECRET'S OUT. But my mom mustn't know about this. If she finds out, I'm as good as dead. X_X 

~ Celebrated Chinese New Year with family, relatives (plenty of aunts and uncles), and friends. :)

~ Went to FACON Educational Fair at KLCC with mom, because she was working there and was in desperate need of my esteemed company, and also because I wanted to go for Fly FM's LOL (Live Out Loud) internship interview. v =w= v As soon as I filled up the application form, I was given a few radio scripts and was asked to wait at the waiting room. Much to my surprise (and disappointment), there were merely a few people in the room, six to seven if I'm not mistaken; I was actually expecting to see a throng of snotty, ambitious teenagers loitering on the couch, not bothering to even look at their scripts. But, as I said, much to my surprise, those people in there ain't anything like that. 1. They looked much older than I had pictured them to be LOL*. 2. They were literally burying their heads in those scripts, afraid that they might not have sufficient time to memorize all their lines. I was like seriously, you people need to chill. After ages and ages of waiting, it was finally my turn THANK GOD*. The interviewers were two young ladies THANK GOD THEY WEREN'T MEN*. The entire interview went pretty well - the interviewers seemed to like me; they laughed at my jokes (even though I don't think they were even jokes), they asked about my favorite artist so I randomly answered them Taylor Swift and they were like OMG ME TOOOO, they said they really admired my spontaneity and wittiness. The interview took about 20 minutes, and when it was over, I kinda felt like I wanted to stay longer LOL*. Well, all in all, it was an amazing experience for me. I never thought I actually had what it took to strut in to an interview with such pleasant cockiness and have an actual conversation with two of the most renowned radio hosts in Malaysia OMAGAWD*. 

~ He asked me if one day he confessed to me would I accept him and be his girlfriend... my answer was I'll consider. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!? I SHOULD'VE JUST TOLD HIM YES!* 

~ When he told me he also had feelings for my best friend, whose name I couldn't mention here, I nearly exploded. How can he do this to me? How can he possibly be hitting on two girls at the same time? Well, okay, technically he can. Damn, I felt cheated. 

April - June 2013

~ Made quite a lot of new friends (they're all guys though LOL*)

~ Shi Man and I stopped being friends. She told him (yes, him) that I abandoned her, neglected her feelings, treated her like crap, and chose to spend time around boys instead. #omgkillmeplease But thank God, he didn't buy it. 

~ Celebrated Mother's Day with mommy dearest at Padi House. ^ ^ 

~ Mid-term exams started. And, guess what, he sat beside me during exams. But, we didn't talk, of course. Minus the time we wished each other good luck. Minus the time I asked him if I could borrow a blue pen. Minus the time he asked me if I did okay in add-math. Minus the time he told me he couldn't finish his Malay essay. Yeah, we didn't talk.   

~ God set us ABLAZE! #mjyfablazecamp2013

~  The Chinese Society decided to organize a multi-racial / multi-language singing competition, and so being part of the committee, I had to help. After weeks of planning, making crucial decisions, picking the perfect venue, decorating the stage, worrying about the PA system, and fretting over the guest list, the day finally arrived. And yeah, how could I possibly have forgotten to mention that I, myself, was one of the participants who made it through audition and all the way to the finals. xD If it weren't for the whole Y.O.L.O mentality thing and the whole last year in high school thing, I definitely wouldn't join that competition OVER MY DEAD BODY*. Thankfully I managed to drag my friends down into this mess with me muahahahaha*. Kok Kwan and Queck became my allies after Chien Wenn ditched me for her solo. T ^ T Together, we formed this motley crew, this mismatched triplet, this medley of chaos, this...well, I think you get the picture. For the audition, we sang Lady Antebellum's Need You Now and we got pretty good comments from the judges / our school teachers LOL*. But when it came to the finals... well, let's just say we shitted on ourselves. We sang Adele's Rolling In The Deep, which turned out to be a complete catastrophe - Queck went out of tune right from the start, Kok Kwan strained his voice too much until the reins broke and everything spiraled out of control, I got so fidgety and nervous that my voice broke. OxO HOLY MOTHER, KILL ME PLEASE.* The audience applauded, but obviously they were just being supportive, I knew how horrible we sang. As I walked down the stage, I could feel the heat of embarrassment burning the inside of my throat, broiling every inch of my skin, making me weak in the knees. And the worst part is... all my friends were there (Lik Joon, Jah Yee, Chien Wenn, Yi Qin, Hui Ying, Ming Jun, Yoong Seong, Richard, Jun Kang) to witness the most embarrassing moment of my entire life, except for Yong Jin. Thank God he wasn't there, or he would definitely laugh his pants off. =_= Making a fool / donkey / jackass out of myself in front of my friends / the public isn't exactly a new thing for me, but croaking an Adele song and cracking three times in a row in front of my friends / the public, now that's something new. Lessons of the day: 1. Never sing an Adele song in front of a massive crowd, its ludicrously high octaves and complex chord transformations are fatal. 2. Never go for triplets, duets will do just fine. 3. Never invite your friends to free Laugh-Out-Loud comedy musicals, if you get what I mean. 4. O.L.O.Y (Only Losers Obey Y.o.l.o

~ Went to KL Hilton to attend MCKL's 30th Anniversary Night with family right after the singing competition. 

July - September 2013

~ Went to Jah Yee's house to bake for the very first time. :3 Yong Jin came, too. We attempted to bake molten chocolate cakes; one turned out to be absolutely flawless, but the rest...sighs* weren't in much luck. :'( Oh well, when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade; and when life hands you not-molten-at-all chocolate cakes, you stuff them with whatever ice-cream you've got in your fridge. ^_^ v Lessons of the day: 1. Vanilla ice-cream makes any disastrous dessert taste like a million bucks. 2. Corn-flavored ice-cream is a big NO.  

~ Finally got our class tees. ^ ^ 

~ My obnoxious, annoying, boisterous yet slightly adorable little sister officially turned 12! (WARNING: Food porn below.) 

~ The road to SPM trial was nothing but torment and misery. -_- Everyday, I had to motivate/ convince/ force / threaten myself to study at least one page of Chemistry / finish at least five add-math questions. No one, in this world, loathes studying as much as I do, trust me. So, when SPM trial finally arrived, I knew I was going straight into hell. 

~ We (he and I) had agreed on a bet before trial started. Rules of the bet: 1. If one obtained better results than the other in trial, the victor is required to purchase anything the loser desires. 2. The loser must follow the victor to purchase that particular entity in order to prevent the occurrence of any contemptible behavior such as cheating. 3. If one has any objection, he or she may speak now, or his or her peace shall be held forever. My trial results were tragic... 1A+, 1A, 2A-, 2B, 3C and 1E. #omgkillmeplease But still, I managed to win the bet. My prize - a gratifying bowl of matcha shaved ice and taro balls at Snowflake nom nom*. :3

October - December 2013 

~ Found out that a Form 4 boy was crushing on Jah Yee, and that the boy used to have a crush on me LOLOL*. All thanks to my little sister and her friend who told her all this, and his brother who told him all that, and his brother's friend who told his brother about all his crushes. O_O''' Lesson of the day: Crushes tend to make one's life complicated. Therefore, avoid all if possible.  

~ Aiman left me breathless. Literally. He whatsapped me everyday, and if I didn't reply him, he would send me three are you okays via Facebook, and if I didn't reply him on Facebook, he would repetitively text me are you okay I'm really worried about you until I reply him, and if I didn't, he would call. =_=''' He was like this obsessive, lonely, perverted psychopath who desperately needed the cheapest of all attention. I told Xi Wen about it, and knowing her, she wouldn't settle her best friend's problem without chewing the problem out. After many merciless reprimands, several callous insults, and a few death threats, Aiman finally left me alone - I could breathe again HOOORAAAYYY*. All hail Xi Wen, the Queen Of Castigation! :D 

~ My advanced birthday celebration at KiKi Taiwan Cuisine. :3 (WARNING: Food porn below.) 


~ Officially turned 17 hooray*. v ^0^ v  Xi Wen originally wanted to throw a huge birthday bash for me and invite all my friends. But, knowing Xi Wen, she ain't a planner. =w= So, in the end, there was no party. Obviously. But, I did celebrate with my friends (Yong Jin, Yoong Seong, Kok Kwan, Richard, Jah Yee and Chien Wenn). We had lunch at Niko Niko Onigiri. It was my first time there, and I had never had an Onigiri before in my life, so I took Yong Jin's advice and went for the Sakura Denbu and Tanuki - they were so damn good OMG*. After that, we walked all the way to IOI Mall, just in time to catch Insidious 2. Yong Jin and Richard couldn't stay for the movie, so they left once we went in. Oh, here comes the funny part - once we found our seats and sat down, I realized that I forgot to bring my glasses LOL WTH*. What's the point of a horror movie if you can't even see it? But thank God Yoong Seong was kind enough to lend me his glasses LOL*. He said he didn't need them as much as I did. :P The movie wasn't as horrifying as I had expected. The only thing scary in that movie was the face of an old man smeared in thick, joker-like makeup. #survivedahorrorflick 

~ Majlis Restu a.k.a The Blessing Ceremony (from direct translation LOL*) was heart-wrenching and emotional for most people, especially the Form Fives. Let's just say, some tears were shed on that day. Pn. Michelle broke down in tears, then the girls from my class started sobbing tragically, then the other Form Five girls began crying, then the teachers, too, joined in the wailing choir, and I was like okay. 0_0''' Since it was sort of like the last day of school and everyone was taking photos with everyone, I decided to be mainstream for once. v =w= v 

~ Achievement of the year. v ^w^ v Click here if you want to know more. 

~ The Aiman Problem arose once again. He kept sending me I miss you, I'm sorry that I care and why do you hate me and did I do something to make you hate me this much and, AND... others that I seriously wouldn't want to remember. He gave me no choice but to shut him out of my life completely - I blocked him on Whatsapp, Line, Instagram, Facebook, and even my mobile contact. I felt pretty bad for being a heartless jerk, and I really didn't think he deserved all those insults (okay, maybe some of them), but what's done is done sigh*. 

~ On the 6th of November, 8 days after my birthday... SPM. SPM. SPM. SPM. SPM. SPM. SPM. SPM. Like a constant ringing / continuous vibration against my eardrum.

~ Celebrated daddy's birthday in the midst of SPM. (WARNING: Food porn below.) 

~ One week after SPM ended, I had some hair alterations LOL*. From maggi / grandma's head / frizz monster (yes, I used to get these all the time), I have successfully evolved to this: 

~ Experienced God, life and near-death LOL* as the 15 of us (including our mentors) embarked on a life-transforming journey to Cambodia. Yes, this is the Cambodia Experiential Trip 2013. At the beginning of this trip, I wasn't close to any of them, except Mary of course. She was like my only true friend in MJYF. Sounds pretty sad, I know. But, after the first few days, everything started to change for the better - we began hanging out, and eventually, became good friends. Throughout this 5-day experiential trip, I really did break out of my sheltered bubble, step out from my comfort zone and do things I never thought I would or could do - I was surprised by my own actions and doings, until I came to realize that they were God's, not mine. Teaching primary school children basic English and hygiene, visiting the poor, smiling at complete strangers, sharing the gospel, feeding the hungry orphans, painting playgrounds and walls, and also the unforgettable 'LOL' moments like, sporting star-studded-galaxy-like hair (thanks to Daniel, whose yellow oil-based paint literally rained down on me from above where I was painting), walking under the cold December rain whilst attempting not to slip and fall into the notorious concoction of wet mud and cow dung, complaining about icy showers and spider-infested bathrooms, fighting over the last bowl of curry maggi, falling off an ox cart (nearly), doing The Chicken Dance in public, playing Truth Or Dare till 4 a.m. and many, MANY more... We went to Cambodia, in hope of bringing change to the lives of the Cambodians, but we were the ones whose lives have been thoroughly changed. 

~ Went for MELG's advanced Christmas party, instead of going to prom. They were coincidentally on the same day, so I knew I had to make a wise decision. At first, I did kinda regret not going to prom, and I did feel kinda guilty for breaking my promise (Sorry Yoong Seong :P), but after hearing comments and feedback from my schoolmates who actually went, I knew I had made a wise decision teehee*. v ^_^ v

~ Traveled to Hangzhou, Wuzhen, Suzhou, Wuxi and Shanghai with family. (WARNING: Food porn below.) 

~ After 7 days and 6 nights of high-end cuisines, warm beds, luxurious showers, and breath-taking terrains, our Shanghai trip finally came to an end. But, it didn't really end well. In fact, it ended in the most horrible way imaginable. Once I got on the plane, I had a stomachache, followed by a severe migraine, followed by fever, followed by a wave of nausea. And that was when everything surged up my throat and came spluttering out - the Turkish ice-cream I shared with my sister, bits and pieces of my burrito, the chili-chicken rice I had for lunch, aircraft noodles, aircraft pudding, and many others which I'm unable to name. My vomit was everywhere, engendering a putrid stench to permeate the air inside the cabin. Mommy, who was sitting beside me, became my first victim. My second victim was an air stewardess who refused to help clean up the mess and prohibited me from using the lavatory as she said we were about to land. After the plane landed, I had to run to the nearest washroom and avoid any possible contact with any living flesh along the way. But, to no avail. :'(  The airport was crowded, there was no way I could avoid contact with those people. I gingerly made my way to the ladies room, keeping at least a two-meter distance from anyone I walked past LOL*. Yet I caught glimpses of people wrinkling their noses, scowling and glancing my way uh oh*(I suppose even a person standing a hundred meters away from me could detect traces of the heavy vomit odor emanating from my clothes). O_O''' Then, I had to lie on a bench and wait for my dad to return with my portmanteau from the baggage carousel - I obviously needed to change into some clean, odor-free clothes - which literally took forever. Then, just when I thought we would be back home in no time and I could finally wash those vomit residues off my hair, we were caught in a dreadful traffic congestion for approximately 2 hours. =_=''' Worst day ever. 

~ Spent New Year's Eve rotting at home doing nothing at all. I was confined within the walls of my home due to aggravating fever sobs*. :'( 

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