broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Seven ~
Sunday, February 19, 2012 @ 5:28 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

You know how to cry, 
but you don’t know how to wipe your tears....
You know how to run, 
but you don’t know how to face your fears....
Bonjour friends!! You'd never have guessed what happened today - YES, My dream finally came true!! I've been promoted as an interpreter in MJYF!! GO ME!!!! drumming my fingers in a euphoric rhythm* You guys are probably wondering what MJYF is, so I guess it's time for some explanation: MJYF - Mega Jesus Youth Fellowship. Yup, it's a church fellowship for teenagers, and I'm the interpreter-to-be! Isn't it just wonderful? AND, I've finally got the chance to lead a group - my very own group. I was never born to be a leader, and for the record, I've never led anyone to anywhere, or anyone to anything - all I knew was that I wasn't made for leadership. But today's changed the rest of my days. I've proven myself to be a not-quite-horrible leader, and I think my group members are starting to accept me as who I really am. However, it wouldn't be necessary for me to do that again next Sunday. Because....because.....sigh* I'm not exactly the real leader, I'm just the assistant - a mere assistant, but the only replacement when our OFFICIAL group leader couldn't make it to the morning session. That's all I am - a replacement. Well, at least I'm better than just being a NOBODY. But still, I'm pretty glad that I've made this day a day to be remembered, forever. :)
Despite every muscle on my living body has been suffering from mortal pain, I....... Wait, I'd have to do an explanation again, wouldn't I? Okay, fine. Yesterday, I was kind of forced into promising my best friend, Lik Joon, that I would join him for a basketball match at a nearby park, and of course, I had to go. I PROMISED HIM!! And, GOD, do I hate promises or what?! Just in case of any awkward moment, I brought along my childhood best friend, Alethia. She's friendly, out-going, athletic, and absolutely into basketball - perfect. Lik Joon said most of his friends would be there for the match, and so I did expect to meet A LOT OF NEW FRIENDS, but to my greatest relief, none of them could make it. Well, in the end, only one of his friends came. And so, the match began.
I sucked in basketball. There, I've admitted it. Lik Joon taught me a few simple ways to get the ball through the hoop, but I still didn't get the hang of it. Being the usual me, I started to complain about my height, and then whined about the heat, then the sweat, then my height again. Being the usual HIM, Lik Joon started to lose his patience, and then tried to shut me up, but failed, then tried again, and eventually succeeded. He could be quite a meanie sometimes, but deep down inside, he's no other than the only friend whom I could count on now. As I was aiming for the hoop, he kept on giving me THE LOOK. You know, the look someone gives you when you're blabbering 'I don't think I can do this' or 'This is so embarrassing' or 'Hell! The hoop hates me', or anything of that sort. He was seriously giving me THAT LOOK, and I had a sudden urge to slap it off his face, but still I tried to pull myself together and fix my eyes on the hoop, not THAT LOOK. I held the ball above my head, took a deep breath, lunged my body forward, and there went the ball - into the air, and......into the hoop. FINALLY!! I made my very first shot! 
Don’t be afraid to feel afraid....
The four of us were acting like savage animals on a basketball court, as we clawed greedily at each other just to get the ball. Well, actually, I wasn't part of the clawing and snarling, but Alethia was.......she was like a tigress after a prey with a ball, fearsome but fantastic. Even the boys were awe-struck by her skills, and I heard Lik Joon whispering into his friend's ear, "Hey, this girl's got some mad skills, man!" Yeah, she's got the moves, and she's going to beat your ass Lik Joon (if you ever read, please don't kill me dude). The guys left earlier than we did; Lik Joon was the first to head back home (he said he had a dentist appointment), his friend, Richard was second......and then there were the both of us left - just me and Alethia.  We had some heart-to-heart talk while hitting the hoops - I scored more than 12 shots, probably feeling more relaxed after Mr. Sulky Face and friend went back. Alethia told me about her problems at school, and of course, I told her mine. It's been quite a long time since we shared our deepest feelings and thoughts with each other, so I guess it had made my day.
And so, that's how I ended up all battered and pounded - basketball. Well, as I was saying, despite all the muscle cramps and backaches and sore arms, I've decided to do this every Saturday! Well, Saturday had been a blast, today was wrapped up in a joyful package, but tomorrow.....all will be the same again. sigh* School, here I come. :(



Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.