broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

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current obsessions / guilty pleasures : part one
Sunday, December 1, 2013 @ 5:48 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

Well, now that SPM is no longer a primary concern of mine (I still have a Chinese paper tomorrow sulks*), I proudly present to you fellow readers, a list of all the things I've gone completely COO-COO over these days. xD So I hope this would be a pleasant read for all of you. 
Category 1: TV / Movies

a. Chopped (ESPECIALLY Chopped All Stars)

The Chopped battle arena, where acclaimed chefs of formidable talent (Iron Chefs, Food Network celebrity chefs, and CHOPPED judges) fight to the death, until a lone victor remains. (Gosh, now I'm making it sound like The Hunger Games LOL*) 

Okay, so four chefs think they have what it takes to flex their culinary muscles and be the Chopped champion.

They open the baskets and look inside. Some stare in disbelief, some nearly drop their jaws, some keep their cool and try not to look intimidated, some smile a little but manage to contain the jolt of elation. 

Now, whatever ingredients are inside the basket, they have to integrate each of them into their dish. (E.g: If you're given a whole passion fruit, it's best to make a puree or compote out of it.) There are three rounds - appetizer, entree, and dessert. Each round is timed. In the appetizer round, you're merely given 20 minutes to complete your dish. As for the entree and dessert rounds, a more generous 30 minutes is given. When it's down to the last two minutes, it's most advisable to start plating.

Time's up! Make your way to the Chopping block, where a panel of judges, who are also world-class chefs and renowned restaurateurs themselves, will critique your dish based on presentation,  taste and creativity. If your dish is one of the judges' favorites, you will advance to the next round and stand a chance of winning $50,000. But if your dish doesn't cut it, you will be CHOPPED. 

For more information, visit :) 

b. Adventure Time (LOLOLOL*) 

Haha... I know what you're about to say. But hey, no one is ever too old for cartoons. So, if you're a die-hard fan of fairy-tales with whimsical twists, adorable villains, kick-ass princesses, vampires that don't drink human blood, candy people, and dogs with magical powers, then Adventure Time is definitely your kinda thing. 

My favorite character in Adventure Time has to be Marceline the Vampire Queen - the vampire who only drinks the color red, the bad ass rocker chick who always carries a red axe / bass guitar with her and sings with her soulful voice. One of the reasons why I'm so fond of her is because I find her relatable in many ways. Excluding the fact that she's a vampire, she's actually nothing but an average girl. A girl who's desperately looking for a place to fit in, a girl who keeps her deepest thoughts and feelings buried underneath the pages of a journal, a girl who wants to make friends but doesn't know how, a girl who bursts up in fury and throws nasty tantrums when someone sees through her, a girl who hates to reveal her gentle side. Even though she's merely a fictional character, Marceline is as real as any girl can be.  

c. Wreck-it Ralph

I didn't get to watch this movie when it was showing in cinemas last year, and so after 11 months of bitter waiting and anticipation, it was finally premiered on Fox Movies Premium! Wreck-it Ralph is one of the few movies I've watched more than 5 times and still haven't got bored of - I kinda went overboard OMAGAWD*.  But it really is that GOOD. No exaggeration added, not even the tiniest bit, I swear.  

What's so endearing and engaging about Wreck-it Ralph is that this movie brings you back to the nostalgic world of arcade games - games you grew up playing - and gives it a modern spin. The best thing about this movie is that you actually get to see all those familiar faces gathering in one place, interacting with each other. Thus, the highlight of all highlights in this movie has to be the Bad-Anon Support Group. (If you're an arcade game lover, then it surely won't take you more than a minute to spot Bowser, Kano, Dr. Robotnik, Clyde and a few other recognizable game characters in the support group.)  

Keep an eye out for:
1. the Diet Cola volcano and its falling Mentos
2. an à la mode (when a huge scoop of ice-cream lands on one of the baked candy carts)
3. King Candy's source code safe (Nintendo ALERT!)
4. the Devil Dogs (which are obviously chocolate eclairs) 
5. Satan, or preferably, Satine (in the Bad-Anon Support Group) 
6. Cupcake Ralph 

Keep an ear out for:
1. Owl City's When Can I See You Again (during the credits)
2.Sugar Rush theme song (during the credits, too)

d. Catching Fire 

I watched it last Thursday with a few friends of mine (Jah Yee, Lik Joon, Yoong Seong, Kok Kwan and Richard). Catching Fire is the second book in Suzanne Collins' masterfully plotted trilogy, and I have to admit, it is SO MUCH better than the first one. It has more heart-stopping action, more gruesome bloodlust, more cynical manipulation, more bittersweet romance, more charismatic characters (Finnick Odair ALERT!), more elaborated costumes, and more tantalizing visual treats. It keeps the adrenaline pumping through your veins as it thrusts you to the edge of your seat and whisks you into the deadly arena in the movie itself. Well, despite the endless rants and complaints my friends made, 'Walao... the movie is friggin' boring weyh...', my love for Suzanne Collins' masterpiece remains unchanged. :)

Look at that beautiful, BEAUTIFUL wedding dress OMAGAWD*

Why I love Effie...

♥ Why I love Finnick Odair even more...

I shall continue this list with categories 2 and 3 tomorrow, so stay tuned fellow readers. That's a wrap for today, ta-ta! 

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