broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Five ~
Friday, February 3, 2012 @ 6:22 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
Bonjour mates!! So, what do you guys think of my new look? I mean, my blog's NEW LOOK??? I've been recently obsessed with MUSTACHES.  ♥  ♥  And not to mention the color PINK. Well, I do hope my new theme of fun, quirky pink and major mustache craze would help to brighten up your dull days, and get you through those agonizing hours of - for crying out loud! - school. Talking about SCHOOL?!! I had an extremely bad day today, even the thought of it hurt. In my personal dictionary, having a bad day at school doesn't mean having your head dunked into a toilet, forgetting to dodge while playing dodge-ball, being sent to detention for bad behavior in class, sulking over the word 'bad behavior' when the teacher spat it on you just because you've drawn a caricature of her, or anything of that sort, it means not getting what you want and wanting what you know you'll NEVER get. :'( 

For instance:
I want to be popular like the other girls, but I know I'll never be. I want to be cool like the other girls, but I know I'll never be. I want to be beautiful like the other girls, but I know I'll never be. And lastly, I want to get rid of HER, but I know I'll never be able to. In case you're caught in curiosity, SHE was my best friend. WAS. I emphasized the past tense so none of you would think of me as an ungrateful, backstabbing jackass. She was the one that stabbed me first, and now I'm going to stab her back. Yup, you've got this right, it's payback time! No one knows I loathe her that much, and no one knows she's actually a devil, in the form of a human-being. A pretty HOT one, too. Being seductive is one of her specialties, or should I say her only specialty?! Sharpening her kitty claws, putting on her feline purrs....and there she goes - guys fall at her feet, and into her deadly traps where she takes their hearts out, one by one. I can't believe guys actually fall for her phony smile. What's up with those guys anyway? Brainless? Moronic? Absurd? Or simply blinded by lust? 

But the worst part is.....she doesn't even like any of them. She's just doing it for the sake of proving herself to me; proving that she's hotter, prettier, and more charming than I ever was. I never wanted to prove anything to her, or anyone, because I was happy being myself and I couldn't see the point of competing with my best friend. But now, everything has changed - she, a heart-breaker destroying the lives of many; me, a fighter fighting not just for me, but for those who have not had the chance to fight back.
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive;
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise,
to fly...
I'm inspired by this song lately, listening to it right now as a matter of fact. x) Anyway, she might have won the first battle, but that won't stop me from winning the second. And I can't wait to see the look on her face when I march off with triumph held high and she, with defeat bound around her neck. I think I can smell the glorious scent of victory now! However, you can never be sure of anything in life, especially when you're a miserable 16-year-old who has lived through nothing but failure. And when I say 'failure', I mean 'FAILURE' in all capital letters. I've never won anything in my life, not even the poster-drawing competition, which I had been believed to be the champion. :/ You have no idea what it feels like to be a total loser. It sucks, really sucks. =0=

Okay, wait, why am I suddenly on the pessimistic side again!? Well, at least I still have a mustache to cheer me up! And here's a mustache for all my lovely shooting stars and loyal readers. That's a wrap guys, see y'all tomorrow!  :)    

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Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.