broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Eight ~
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 @ 6:57 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
   Jeoneun hangug eul salang
Annyeong hasaeyo! Yes, I'm speaking Korean, and yes, I'm recently obsessed with all things KOREAN-ey. Why? Because in less than 14 hours, I'll be heading off to KOREA!!!! Come on, say it with me, 'Jeoneun hangug eul salang'! ♥    It means 'I LOVE KOREA'!   ♥  My friends are probably still studying for their physics paper tomorrow, and I'm here blogging away. THEY'RE GOING TO BE SO JEALOUS. Anyway, I sat for my chemistry paper today, and guess what happened?! I left the last part EMPTY. Absolutely EMPTY. The paper was extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY difficult. Most of us were squeezing out our brains and cursing under our breaths; some praying for a miracle, others just dozed off. All in all, the entire exam has been a disaster for me. I sat for my biology paper on Monday and it wasn't just bad, it was horribly gut-wrenching! sniffs* My math paper on Tuesday didn't go as well as I had expected - I left 4 questions empty. sobs* And as for today, THE WORST ONE YET. shrieks* :'( 
My inner voice: Don't you dare ignore me! I'm your inner voice! 
Me: So what?! 
My inner voice: Listen girlfriend, look at the bright side - you'll be having the best time of your life in Korea while your friends are still stuck at home studying for the exam. It's actually a fair trade!
Me: Yeah, like I traded my A's for a trip to Korea?!
My inner voice: ... ... ... I give up*
Me: ... ... ... victory punches in the air*
Okay fine, sorry about that, my inner voice can be a total nuisance sometimes. But she's right - IT IS A FAIR TRADE. I've traded 4 of my A's for a 5-day-trip to Korea; my friends might have earned 4 more A's than I have, but they didn't earn a trip to one of the world's most fantastic countries. Bingo - I've earned it!  :) Thank you Inner Voice. 
My inner voice: No problem.
Me: Well, I'm sorry that I called you a've turned out to be quite okay after all. So, are we still cool?
My inner voice: Ermmm.....well yeah, I guess. But there's one problem though.....
Me: What? What is it? 
My inner voice: Why are we even talking? You're talking to me, which means you're.....talking to yourself?!
Me: Really? I never even knew......
My inner voice: ... ... ... whoa, this girl's a real mental retard*
Anyway, I really do hope I'd get an A for English, it's like my only hope now. Without that A, I'd end up being THE LAST in class. Trust me, you wouldn't want to know, but here's a tip: it's worse than being sent into military school. Well, all I can do now is PRAY. Dear Heavenly Father, please give an A for English! I really, really, REALLY need it! Please hear my prayer. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. And....OH. MY. GOSH. Look at the time, it's 2am already! I better get into bed now, unless I don't mind missing all the fun tomorrow. I promise I'll blog about my trip once I get back from Korea, so I guess it's another farewell, huh?! Don't worry, I'll be back in 5 days, see you folks! :)
Annyeonghi jumuseyo

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