broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Trip to Korea - Hangug한국 ~ Day 1 ~
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 @ 5:15 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

Annyeong haseyo 안녕하세요
Hey guys, guess who's back?! I AM. Miss me? I do hope so. Well, before I begin THE LONGEST STORY EVER, here are a few Korean basics (MAKE SURE YOU LEARN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!! haha, just kidding*) :
1. Annyeong haseyo안녕하세요 = Hello 
2. Annyeong haseyo yeoleobun안녕하세요여러분 = Hi there everyone
3. Jagbyeol insa작별 인사 = Goodbye
4. Annyeong chingu안녕친구 = Goodbye friends
5. Kamsahabnida감사합니다 = Thank you
6. Cham jal osyeosseubnida 오셨습니다 = You're welcome
7. Joesonghabnida죄송합니다 = Sorry
8. Salang hae당신을 사랑 =  ♥  I LOVE YOU ♥  
9. Naneun K-pab eul salang나는 K- 사랑 = ♥  ♥ I LOVE K-POP ♥   
And here's the last one - MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE:
10. Jeoneun hangug eul salang저는 한국 사랑 ♥  ♥ I LOVE KOREA  ♥ 
March 8, 2012 - Thursday
So, this is how the day went - my mom dragged me out of bed at 8.30a.m. and talked me into having some breakfast before heading off to the airport. After gulping down a tuna sandwich, a piece of cake and a bowl of chocolate oatmeal, I packed anything that crossed my mind - ear muffs, leggings, scarves, woolen gloves, cottons tops; my winter coat, my strawberry-flavored lip balm, my lotion, my sketch pad, my notebook, and of course, my lucky drawing pen. Our driver arrived just on time, and off we went to the airport! anticipation ignited* The journey took about an hour, and so we reached there at 12.30p.m., which could only mean one thing - LUNCH TIME!!!! We clawed at our burgers like starved, caged brutes; wolfed down every last piece of our potato fries, and finished every last drop of our Coke. It was a simple meal of beef burgers and fries at McDonald's, yet it was absolutely satisfying, because after this, we would be flying to a whole new world - Korea! lots of love, smile*  ♥ ♥ ♥  We boarded our plane at 2.30p.m., and the rest of it......wasn't history, but BOREDOM. You ain't got any idea how boring it was, stuck in a three-seated 'cubicle' with a grown-up on each side and forced to put up with a 6-hour flight without any entertainment. It was like this:
Me: Dad, please give me your iPhone! Please....
Dad: Sorry, but your sister's still playing with it.
Me: ........sulking*
An hour later……
tick tock tick tock* I was beginning to lose my patience.....enough was ENOUGH.
Me: What about now, dad? Is she done yet?
Dad:, not yet, sorry.
Me: ..........still sulking*
2 hours later……
TICK TOCK TICK TOCK* I was about to explode......
Me: Dad......NOW????
Dad: .............
Me: Dad? Dad? DAD????
Dad: ZZZzzzz...........snoring heavily*
Me: ..........sulking hopelessly*
So when there was no TV, no iPhone,  there was only one thing left to do - doodling. I took refuge in it, with the help of my notebook and lucky drawing pen. It was my best weapon against boredom, always has been. 

I even took pictures of my notebook and pencil case. what the hell* Hey, who can blame me? I was too bored! If you were in my shoes, you'd probably do the same thing - whenever boredom strikes, STRIKE BACK EVEN HARDER.

And so, after 6 bitter hours of waiting and waiting and waiting, we finally arrived at Incheon International Airport. I felt as if I had been liberated, set free.......I was no longer held captive by boredom, I was on the top of the world! applause* The time of our arrival was 8.30p.m., which could only mean one thing - DINNER TIME!!!! But, by the time we went through all the customs, time sped past 9 and rang the bell of 'Big 10'. That's when we first met our tour group and of course, our tour guide, Kelly. She was someone you wouldn't want to mess around with - a tiger mom, a lady who wears THE pants, but still, with a gentle side. I was too busy guessing her age that I totally forgot about how starving I was. All restaurants and stores were closed, all except for 7-Eleven. So, in the end, we were forced to buy cup noodles for dinner.....ummmm, I mean, supper. 
As we made our way out of the airport, a gust of cold wind suddenly swept across our feet and pierced through our skin. In a blink of eye, we all became icicles - my dad was an ice sculpture, my mom was The Snow Queen, my grandma was frozen yogurt, my grandpa was peppermint ice-cream, my sister was iced sorbet on a stick, and I was Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer. Luckily, our bus arrived on time. I could barely feel my fingers by the time I got on the bus. It was freezing outside! brrrrrrr* We were on our way to Paradise Hotel when Kelly introduced us to our tour group leader/photographer, Louie. And guess what?! He was the exact epitome of Korea's heart-throb, Bae Yong Jun. heart palpitating ferociously* ♥  ♥  ♥ ♥ Hey, every girl can dream, right?!
                    Winter Sonata’s Bae Yong Jun

After what seemed like mere seconds, we arrived at Paradise Hotel - I do believe they named it 'Paradise' for a good reason. Anyway, we all turned in for the night after a rather pleasant meal of cup noodles. I've got to say, Korean cup noodles rock! They taste much better than Malaysia's, trust me, they really do! All in all, it had been an awesome day - a medley of beef burgers, boredom, sketches, Instagram, in-flight food, kimchi-flavored cup noodles, frozen fingers, and a drop-dead gorgeous tour group leader/photographer!  ♥ ♥ ♥  
That's all for Day 1!! :3  

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