broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Trip to Korea - Hangug한국 ~ Day 5 (THE LAST DAY) ~
Friday, March 23, 2012 @ 10:10 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
March 12, 2012 - Monday
Today's list would probably be the shortest one, and obviously THE LAST. sobs* 
Well, anyway, here goes the list: 
1. Jumped out of bed at 6.30a.m., and then I realized I was the first to awake (you know what they say, 'time mustn't be wasted at the end of the day', and I was desperate to keep it that way).
2. Finished my breakfast in a hurry.
3. Rambled about how SLOW and INEFFICIENT the others were in my notebook during the 2-hour ride to Deoksu Palace. 
4. Finally arrived at Deoksu Palace and took a few photos.

5. Went to the Blue House - Korea's presidential residence.

6. Went to Korea's largest ginseng outlet.
7. Had chicken ginseng noodles for lunch.
8. Went to an amethyst factory (grandpa bought two necklaces there - one for me, and one for my sis Love ya grandpa! ♥ ).
9. Went to Seoul's most fabulous cosmetic store. 
10. Went to Myeondong and did a little shopping....okay, fine, maybe not just a little! wink*

Myeondong – a paradise where shopaholics, fashion icons, bargain hunters, and foodie lovers could peacefully co-exist. :) 

Dad with the world’s longest ice-cream! 
11. After 3 hours of SHOPPING, and SHOPPING, and SHOPPING, we rushed back to our bus - off we went to the airport....yes, WE WERE LEAVING. TOO SOON. :'(
12. And at last, we arrived at Incheon International Airport, which could only mean one thing - GOODBYE. sniffs* :'(

I thought I was about to cry, but of course, I didn't. As Louie (our tour group leader/photographer) waved us goodbye, I could actually feel a tear on my cheek. He was just like the big brother I never had, and he obviously adored children - my sister was in luck! jealousy heightens* Anyway, our plane departed at 12.20a.m., and it was  all GOODBYE Louie, GOODBYE Kelly, GOODBYE Kimchi, GOODBYE Korean cup noodles, GOODBYE cute Korean guys, but most of all, it was...
Goodbye Korea  
Annyeonghi hangug

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