broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Nine ~
Thursday, April 5, 2012 @ 3:49 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
Yes, I'm making a surprise comeback after a few weeks of mysterious disappearance. snorts* The best of me is still in Korea, but the rest - you probably know this better than I do - are remnants of my undiminished wimpi-ness! Holidays came to a screeching halt, and I - once again - was catapulted into the quagmire I've been trying to escape from all my life - SCHOOL. :( Remember that time when I told you how horrible my so-called friends were to me?! Okay, maybe I didn't exactly mention that, but anyway, everything seems to be quite alright now - I've made a couple of new friends, mostly BOYS. Now don't get me wrong guys, it's not that I've been transmogrified into a flirt or a whore OR A TOTAL BITCH by some sort of evil sorcery; it's just that BOYS are...BOYS. Here are...
10 reasons why BOYS are more fun to hang out with:
(P.S: For female readers ONLY.)

1. They make themselves rather useful by helping you carry your 
EXTREMELY heavy schoolbag.

2. They don't get mad easily; even if you hit them hard on their 
shoulders or shout in their ears for no particular reason (they 
basically just say 'Hey, what did you do that for?' and nothing comes next). haha*

3. They're good at forgetting. Trust me, they don't even need to try to do it.

4. They don't judge you (and neither do they like being judged). 

5. They know exactly how to have fun. ;)


7. They do have a certain creativity when it comes to turning your frown upside-down. :)  

8. They make tacky jokes sound HILARIOUS. XD

9. Their shoulders are perfect to cry on.  

10. They may seem cold and expressionless, but they're BOYS - wild, rambunctious, fun, lovable, and always not what they seem to be. :D 

Well, I never thought I would say this, but...HEY, I'M HAPPY. Who would have known?! Just when I thought I could never be happy again, something must've fallen from heaven and hit me on the head - WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE???? I leafed through the pages of my story - every page left me with a scar - and I saw what I had lost, and what I never had had. But, was that all? .... No, it wasn't. I never saw what I had gained, because all I could think of was how to bring back the things that had been mine. So, here's a little lesson about life: see only what you have, not what you had. Besides, FRIENDS AREN'T ALWAYS EVERYTHING; they're just part of your life, not all of it. So if you ever lose a friend or two...OR a bunch, don't feel too bad, because you'll always have new ones to fill the gaps.  

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