broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Thirteen ~
Thursday, July 5, 2012 @ 6:46 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
Where have the times gone? Baby, it's all wrong. 
Where are the plans we made for two?
Bonjour les amis. It's been almost a month since I posted something here, and for that I'm truly sorry. But if you're wondering how I've been these days and planning to say 'So how are you? Must be better than ever, huh?!', then DON'T start. My days are not meant to go well, as if it's an irredeemable law that I can't have the life I've desperately pleaded for. Well, that's life I guess. Homework's the same, teachers...yeah, definitely the same. The only thing I can be happy about is my exam results, though my mom still claims it to be the same poor grades of one A+, one A, four B+s, two B-s, and two Cs - nothing much to be proud of, really. But at least there's been a great deal of improvement, which as a matter of fact, is something to be proud of. No one knows my mom like I do. She's not a bad mom, in fact she can go pretty crazy sometimes; she's just skeptical, a little judgmental, and like every mom - very 'NAGGY'. Her voice is always ringing in my head, telling me I can never make it to Stanford with grades like these unless I plunge myself in hours of extreme studying and brain-juicing. Right through the heart. Where dreams are too high to reach. sighs* :'( 
I suppose that's enough ranting for a day. grunts* I have to think positive, think happy; think of something that will eventually cheer me up, something like...
Or something like THIS:
And they lived happily ever after.Typical. Just what I need - another cliche. What I need right now is something that would cheer me up, make me smile a little...not make me feel worse by telling me that Prince Charming is real and mine unfortunately got lost somewhere and is too stubborn to ask for directions; that happily-ever-afters do exist and I'm not part of any of them. Typical. 
And all those fairy-tales are full of shit.
One more stupid love song I'll be sick. 
Oh great, what happened to 'think positive, think happy'?! Vanished into thin air, perhaps. I hate to do it, but I've just got to stop fueling myself with false hope and mindless fantasies. It's time for me to wake up. Seriously WAKE UP. Well, it's never too late to escape from Cinderella's castle and into the world where reality awaits. Not to offer you another prince, but to crush you alive. Harsh, I know. 
Forgive me for being such a whiner, I just can't help it. Whenever I'm feeling down, extremely DOWN, I doodle! It's something that can make me forget the world and everything else. And just by talking about it, my spirit lightens a bit. So, here's something that I drew a few days ago. I was dying of boredom back then, I had to have something in my notebook. 
I found this on Tumblr, and it actually made me smile. :) 
This was found on Tumblr as well. Beautiful, isn't it?
See?! Never underestimate the power of ART. It unleashes trapped souls, creates worlds without boundaries, unites people, and always brings back the smile on your face. :) I can feel the ends of my lips slowly curving into a smile already. An ode to doodles - my best friend. 
You make my life complete,
with your strokes and stenciled curves;
You put back those stars in my eyes,
with your jolly mess of ink blots and lines;
have doodled your way into my heart. 
I guess I could be a poet after all. tongue sticking out* Well, this is goodbye again! So long guys, I'll probably be back after another month of disappearance, or maybe a few months. Who knows?! 
Dedicated to all Directioners out there - have a lovely weekend. :)

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