broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Fourteen ~
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 @ 3:31 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
Bonjour lovelies! I know it's almost been a month, and goodness me, it's already August. Time sure flies, especially when we're not paying much attention. Just so you know, I have many other things to pay attention to. Things English oral tomorrow, my Chemistry assignment, my tuition homework; things like...learn how to manage my time, learn how to resist the temptation of chocolate and Tumblr, learn how to study in front of a TV, learn how to put up with taunts and insults without eventually bursting into a series of vulgar words, learn how to smile in the face of my nemesis, learn how to be ignorant, and LAST but not LEAST, learn how to stop caring too much about what people think of me. Well, actually, the ONLY problem that's bugging me most right now is that I CARE TOO MUCH ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF ME.
And all those years I've been striving unknowingly to live up to people's expectations. The expectations of my classmates. The expectations of teachers. The expectations of complete strangers. The expectations of strangers whom I once shared my memories with. Yes, unknowingly. Call me stupid, idiotic, ignorant, foolish...whatever, I don't give a damn! I've just got to stop being everyone else's puppet, stop listening to what others say, stop giving up my dignity just to make people like me. Enough is ENOUGH. And yes, I'm talking to myself again. =_= 
Our class has moved, only temporarily, but it's still better than I expected because our class is now next to my friend's. HOOOOOOORRRAAAAAAYYY!! Now I don't have to walk more than a mile to see my friends, not that I don't have any in my class. :/ Okay, maybe it's really THAT obvious. I don't have any real friends in my class, they're just...well, classmates. Nothing more. I used to have two best friends, but now it seems like they've abandoned me. For good. But it's not entirely their fault, I mean, who can blame a guy and a girl who are madly in love with each other for abandoning their friend, right??! Yeah, now you know. They're a couple, they're in love, they're better off without me. :'( So this is me, lonely me, typing these bitter words into this paragraph of rants. sighs*
Well, look at the bright side, at least I still have friends on the other side of my world, which some people don't. I promised not to write out their names, but I just can't, can I?! Lik Joon, Jah Yee...if you guys are reading this, don't get offended, because you'll always have me as a light-bulb, the one that shines brightest. If you know what I mean... XD 

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