broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Fifteen ~
Saturday, September 8, 2012 @ 1:08 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
I say I hate you, we break up. You call me, I love you. 
"Tick...tock...tick...tock" The sound of time slipping through the spaces between my fingers when I try to grasp it was utter aggravation. All we had left were 20 minutes and a collage of incomplete towers and messily glued flowers. Capable but panicky fingers pass scissors around the paper-strewn table, tear pieces of colored paper, dab them into a small pool of glue and swiftly paste them onto the black cardboard. Well, I suppose you guys already get the idea of it, so before I move on, allow me...
I’m back people!!
Really sorry about my more-than-a-month disappearance guys, not that it's the first time my mere proof of existence has vanished or something. heh* It's already September, and final exams are just a few weeks to go, but let's just put that aside. For now. Because now, I've got a handful of untold stories which I'm about to tell. (Okay, maybe just one!) Get your popcorn ready, because this is going to be dreadfully LONG. 
Group photo.
Yup, we went to Inti College today for an event called 'One Malaysia Intercultural Day & Food Fest'. :) There were 6 different competitions - Unity Tower competition, poster/collage competition, Fashion Recycle competition, baking competition, mocktail competition, and finally...the telematch. I participated in the poster/collage competition with my 7 other friends from my school. Everything was kind of a last-minute preparation, and we didn't exactly know what we were supposed to do. Because two days ago it was a poster competition, one day ago it was a collage competition, and was a poster/collage competition. =.= Two days ago it was an individual competition, one day ago a lady called and told us we need to work in pairs, and today...we worked in a group of 5.
Carmen & Hui Ying.
There were 40 of us, and we all gathered at school waiting for the bus to arrive. The competition was supposed to start at 10a.m. sharp, but due to all the long speeches given and catwalks performed, time was unforgiving. We were then led into a room where the competition was going to be held. To our greatest relief, they did provide us colored paper, scissors, glue, and glitter. Yes, even glitter. But not to our greatest relief, we were given merely 45 minutes to complete a 50cm-long poster/collage. We were all like, You've gotta be kidding me. There were 8 of us joining the competition, so 3 of them were forced to team up with the contestants from other schools. 

And so, let the competition begin! We used Leah's previous idea, which was pretty nice, but clearly shredded paper would look less appealing on it when compared with paint. Our collage was kind of a disaster, our fingers were caked with glue; our knees were on the verge of paralysis due to excessive kneeling, bending and standing. The main problem we were facing is that we had too many ideas but with too little time. Just when I thought, Could this day get any worse?, it just did. We were running out of time, or should I say time was running ahead of us!? "20 minutes left people," announced a man. As if things weren't bad enough already, we were facing another crucial problem - communication meltdown. There were a few - okay, actually just one, but I don't think it's a good idea to point out who it was - failed to understand English. =_= And another one couldn't articulate in Chinese very well. So, it was sort of like two asteroids from completely different planets clashing into each other and therefore creating an annihilation of mankind.

Nevertheless, we couldn't finish it. Most parts of the cardboard were left untouched; gaps here and there, vacant spaces we grew tired of counting. At last, each group had to elect a group representative to do a brief explanatory speech on the work we had done. And, unfortunately for me - the only one who could do a speech spontaneously without stuttering or shaking - I was the group representative. When the panel of judges walked towards our table, words just started pouring out from my lips; words that actually made sense, words jumbled up with prefixes, random words. After the judges gave an approving nod only I allowed myself to rethink the words I had said. The others told me I did a pretty good job, but wouldn't help us win, it couldn't. I mean, how could we possibly beat the rest with an incomplete masterpiece, especially when the others have finished it just in time?!
Our unfinished poster/collage *but still feeling proud
From left: Leah, me, Hui Ying, Bao Qi and Zi Qing
Zi Qing & Carmen 
After lunch, the awards were given out to all the winners, and of course, I'm not one of them. :( Well, at least our school won 2 awards - one for the fashion thingy, the other for the mocktail-making competition. I can't deny the fact that I hoped I could shoot one of them down and make the prize mine, but deep down inside, I am happy for them. Truly. After all, with their explosive creativity and undeniable talents, they totally deserve it. And as for my team, let's just take it as another lesson learnt: winning isn't everything, but the road to it is. :) 
Carmen & Bao Qi 
Leah: Haiiiiii....this sucks la!  
Zi Qing: If they give us 2 hours, we'll definitely win one you know. 
Leah: I know right...
Me: Maybe it's 'cause our group got too many pros with too many ideas, that's why we lost!!?
Leah and Zi Qing: =_='''
(P.S: Sorry 'bout the broken English here, that's just how we Malaysians speak. LOL~) 



Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.