broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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Diary Of A Wimpy Teen ~ Chapter Seventeen ~
Tuesday, December 18, 2012 @ 11:00 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

Yup, 'Diary Of A Wimpy Teen' is back on the blog!! :D I'm so glad I'm finally done with all the 'TAIWAN 2012's; they were really beginning to bore me. > < Anyway, December's been OK, nothing AWESOME about it, really. So it's better if you just ignore that picture up there; I uploaded it merely because I like the bright, vibrant colors of the umbrellas and the way they peacefully coexist. =w= You're probably thinking, 'This girl's she born like that or has she bumped her head into something hard just now?' Well, for your information, I'm not just weird; I'm more like a magnet for embarrassment and wimpi-ness. 

I mean, who in the world would trip over their own feet and land on the floor face-first? Who in the world would shrug their shoulders as an answer for everything whenever there's a Physics pop-quiz and end up standing on a chair with everyone else sitting down? Who in the world would find refuge in a toilet when there's nowhere else to hide from the eyes of people? No one, I one, but me. I guess that's why I came up with 'Diary Of A Wimpy Teen'. LOL* It gave me a purpose to be on Blogger, to rant and ramble, to curse and rage, to remember brief moments of happiness, to write about dreams and everything else in it, to turn a wimpy, imperfect 16-year-old girl's journal into a story worth reading and understanding. I write, because words are the only thing I can hang on to, the only thing that makes me feel like a somebody. I can't imagine a world without words, without letters, without literature, without anything to express human anger and frustration; I guess mankind would've been extinct a long time ago if our world was anything like that.

Well, there's 'Diary Of A Wimpy Kid', so why not a 'Diary Of A Wimpy Teen' eh!? XD Maybe a director from Hollywood is reading this very blog post at this very moment, thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea turning my story into a summer blockbuster movie. Maybe I'd be known as the first Malaysian female novelist to top the New York Times' bestseller list. Maybe...maybe...or maybe not. My subconscious is snapping me back to reality - cold, cruel, but very real. 

A lot of people told me I'd be a great writer someday, but I was too serious to take them seriously. Still am. So don't you dare give me a lecture about 'never stop dreaming' or 'dreams do come true'. I've had enough of that sort of crap - those inspirational quotes and sayings no longer work their magic on me. :/ But I still dream, secretly. It's just that I've learnt to be more rational and realistic, instead of just plunging my head into mindless fantasies and getting myself drowned. Sorry to spoil your fairy-tale, but this girl ain't gonna be a princess who wishes on stars! ;) 

Anyway, time to get back to the topic - December. Right, so nothing particularly special has happened, unless having to stand on a chair for half an hour just because I failed to answer the questions my Physics tuition teacher hurled at me during his lesson is counted as something 'particularly special'. Or, having to run around in a skirt and accidentally knocking into a girl's breasts face-first while trying to pursue my fleeing target without entirely knowing the rules of the game is 'special' enough to hold your attention. =x= 

Okay, so my December hasn't been really nice to me, but there were a few joyful moments. Last Sunday (or at least I think it's last Sunday), my aunt came back from Singapore to visit us. So after dinner, my dad took us to the cinema. I wanted to watch 'Rise Of The Guardians' because I was madly and completely in love with Jack Frost... LOL* He’s such a dream boat.

I was so looking forward to seeing him in action with the other guardians, but sadly, the movie wasn't on the 'Now Showing' list. So in the end, we had to make do with 'Life Of Pi' in 3D. Well, I figured it wouldn't be that bad since its director is the renowned Academy Award-winning Ang Lee. 

The movie's basically about this young Indian boy named Pi and his not-so-fabulous teen life. Well, same case here. The only difference between us - I'm not trapped in the utter vastness of the ocean, left to die alone, but he is. Technically, he's not alone; in fact, he's got some pretty good company - a zebra with a broken leg, a hungry hyena, an Orang Utan named Orange Juice, and don't forget, Richard Parker. The true star of this entire movie, the soul behind this entire production - yes, the Royal Bengal tiger. There were a few parts in the movie where Richard Parker seriously scared the hell out of me. It was all so real, as if he were really leaping out of the screen and into my face. So yeah, I let out a faint cry, and so did my aunt. I guess we were both freaked out. LOL* And so, Pi is accompanied by a motley crew of four until...until of course, the hyena eats the wounded zebra, then poor Orange Juice, and then the hyena itself got eaten by Richard Parker. So it's practically like a food chain, and Pi's at the bottom of it.  

Ang Lee said that the movie is mainly about philosophy and religion; about the eagerness to seek for the vital meaning of existence, about the courage to find hope when all's lost, about the genuine bond built between a boy and a ferocious animal. All in all, the movie was pretty cool, with the tiger  baring its serrated rows of teeth centimeters away from me and the treacherous waves engulfing the whole cinema; scary, terrifying, but cool. 

I'm dying to get the novel, probably getting it tomorrow at the 'Big Bad Wolf Sale'. Dad has promised to take me there tomorrow! Hooray* ^0^ Did you know that all the books there are sold at extremely low prices? A novel for only RM 8. An encyclopedia for an unbelievable RM 12. On seeing this, some of you may already be starting your engines and all set to leave for Mines Convention Center. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait till tomorrow. Good night peeps! :3 

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