broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

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current obsessions / guilty pleasures : part two
Monday, December 2, 2013 @ 9:32 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
Wassup peeps?! :) 

On this rather gloomy, about-to-rain-but-never-gonna-rain afternoon, I'm presenting to y'all the continuation of my current obsessions / guilty pleasures list - categories 2 and 3. Here goes... 

Category 2: Music

a. We Own The Night by The Wanted

b. Counting Stars by One Republic

c. Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran (I absolutely LOVE the music video!)

Category 3: Food (FOOD PORN)

a. Sukiya's Gyudon (beef rice bowl) 

Who in the world wouldn't love a big bowl of love and warmth? Who in the world wouldn't appreciate the art of melted cheese on Japanese rice? And who in the world wouldn't go gaga over juicy, succulent strips of beef accentuated by the silkiness of a half-boiled egg?  
Gyudon (pronounced as gew-don) - that's its name! In case you're wondering why it is called Gyudon... well, in Japanese, Gyu actually means beef, and Don means rice bowl. So, beef + rice bowl = beef rice bowl = Gyudon yum yum yum*. Gyudon is known as one of the simplest \Japanese dishes - anyone can make it, hassle-free. The recipe consists of a few mandatory ingredients such as sliced onion, freshly grated ginger, sake, Japanese soy sauce, and steamed Japanese rice. You can also add a half-boiled egg or sprinkle some chopped scallions on top to elevate the dish. 

The only Sukiya franchise I've been to so far is the one at Kota Damansara, just a block away from my church - I always go there with Mary after the first session of our MJYF service and we never have to spend more than RM15. So, if you're looking forward to sharing an affordable yet scrumptious meal with your friends or family - no matter breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper - think of Sukiya (すき家)! 

Highly recommended: 
- Kimchi Gyudon (guilt-free)
- Double Cheese Gyudon (VERY guilty) 

b. Loacker 

Velvety chocolate spread with a hint of hazelnut sandwiched between two thin, crispy wafers - sheer bliss in the simplest form of simplicity.  

Now, to be honest, I had never tried Loacker's chocolate wafers before. NEVER. Until grandpa came back from Israel a week ago with bags stuffed with treats. One of his bags was filled to the brim with Loackers OMAGAWD*. And since that day, my infatuation for this red little devil has grown into an irrevocable addiction. 

c. Molten lava cake 

If Loacker isn't guilty enough for you, then make way for the Devil of all Devils - molten lava cake, which is technically chocolate cake with a molten chocolate filling. Most people describe the molten chocolate as sex in the mouth, which I totally have to disagree. I mean, how can anyone possibly relate such a glorious food to something so gratuitous like... SEX!? -_-  

I'll describe it as a sweet conflagration; a rich, chocolaty volcano eruption that leaves you begging for more. 

Here's how I dig in: 
- Grab a fork and cut right through the middle, 'cause that's where the bomb lies.
- As soon as the whole plate is flooded with gooey chocolate goodness, scoop up a spoonful of that goo and stuff it right into your mouth.
- Then, start deconstructing the chocolate volcano, one bite after another.
- Allow the hot, gooey, chocolate lava to melt the vanilla ice-cream.
- Mix everything together and turn it into one big mess.
- Scoop everything up, open wide, and uhhh-ummm*. 

e. Cheese fries 

As if french fries are not guilty enough!? 
Trust me, they're not. But french fries drenched in heavy, melted mozzarella and parmesan... that's more than guilty, that's sinful. LOOK AT THAT CHEESE OMAGAWD* 

Well, I guess this list of mine ends here. For now. :P I'll probably have another list ready before New Year's Eve. See y'all real soon! 

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