broken constellation
Jing Xi. 19. Antique hoarder. Flower collector. Self-taught realist. Innate dreamer.

"Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you secruity and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly."

· 25 November 2011
· 27 November 2011
· 03 December 2011
· 05 December 2011
· 14 December 2011
· 23 December 2011
· 25 December 2011
· 25 January 2012
· 28 January 2012
· 03 February 2012
· 09 February 2012
· 19 February 2012
· 07 March 2012
· 13 March 2012
· 15 March 2012
· 21 March 2012
· 23 March 2012
· 05 April 2012
· 21 April 2012
· 02 June 2012
· 06 June 2012
· 05 July 2012
· 01 August 2012
· 08 September 2012
· 13 November 2012
· 06 December 2012
· 07 December 2012
· 11 December 2012
· 15 December 2012
· 17 December 2012
· 18 December 2012
· 23 December 2012
· 25 December 2012
· 26 December 2012
· 01 January 2013
· 13 February 2013
· 11 June 2013
· 27 November 2013
· 01 December 2013
· 02 December 2013
· 06 December 2013
· 10 January 2014
· 13 February 2014
· 23 February 2014
· 14 December 2015
· 02 January 2016
· 04 March 2016
· 04 June 2016
· 25 June 2016
· 29 June 2016

an untitled novel - chapter one
Wednesday, June 29, 2016 @ 12:30 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

January 17, 2016

As dusk draws near, a stout, sluggish figure stumbles out from a smoke-permeated bar around the corner and onto the cold Manhattan streets, where fluorescent billboards brood over suited worn-out men and overly embellished women, where lights blind cab drivers and colorful expletives strew the ocean of traffic. 

Oh, pay no heed to the stout, sluggish figure. Heed should be given to the boy who is watching the figure. You see, he isn't just any other boy. He is the boy. With a heart beating to clicking Jimmy Choo stilettos, clonking Italian loafers and thumping rubber soles. With the naivety of a toddler and the ferocity of an explorer. With a fervent soul. And a dream. 

As he strides toward the staggering figure, he realizes that his subject of attention is a well-dressed man in his early forties. He catches a glimpse of the man's eyes - soulless. Their brief eye contact is broken by a series of retching followed by vomiting. 

"Sir, you alright?" inquires the boy, offering the man his handkerchief. The stench is undeniably revolting.   

The man, completely ignoring the handkerchief extended before him, wipes his mouth on his expensive sleeve. "What do you think, boy?" he replies in a drunken slur as he manages to stand straight. He reaches into his chest pocket and pulls out a cigarette.  

The boy, fully aware that it is a rhetorical question, says, "It's Valentino, sir," 


"Your suit, sir. It's Valentino," answers the boy, staring at the vomitus-stained sleeve. No longer expensive. 

The man, with the cigarette now lit between his chapped lips, lets out a little laugh. A melancholic laugh. "You new around here eh, kid?" 

Another rhetorical question. But this time, he answers, "Yes, I just moved in a couple of days ago," 

There is a moment of silence, perhaps ten seconds of silence, amidst the blaring car horns, the purring engines, the brawling in the bars, the indistinct chatter between business associates, the muffled squealing of trophy wives and heiresses comparing their Harry Winston jewelry over a table of caviar canapes and champagne.

"Well..." the man begins, dropping his unfinished cigarette onto the frozen concrete and stomping it out with the heel of his leather brogue. "I'd love to stay and chat, kid... but in this hell of a weather, I'd rather not freeze to death," He starts walking away, slowly. But then he stops. Without turning his head, he shouts, "Good luck, kid! You'll need it!" He starts walking away again, but this time, with more assurance. 

The boy hasn't moved an inch as he continues watching him lurch deeper and deeper into the congestion of flesh and cheap eau de parfum. He continues watching even after he has become nothing but a figure. A figure now so familiar that he can instantaneously distinguish him from other figures. A wobbly yet unwavering figure. 

Lights begin to burn brighter as the sky grows dimmer. It's too late to have dinner, yet too early to go home. The boy, though clad in a Shelton wool sweater, a fleece-lined jacket and a leather coat, is crumbling in the bitter cold. The relentless wind howls through the jungle of concrete and glass, sending shivers down the spines of skyscrapers and men. He sees groups of friends, parents and their children, and couples huddling into coffeehouses and cafes to escape the horrendous mid-January freeze. So he follows suit.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you tonight?" the barista asks warmly, her smile widening as if she's worried that her "welcome to Starbucks" doesn't sound as convincing as she has wanted it to. But she does have a beautiful smile. And very white teeth.

A small metallic badge pinned on her chest catches his eye. It reads Hi, my name's Louise. "You can just call me Lou!" she giggles, slightly blushing. "Oh...umm...sorry about that...I didn't mean to umm...I think I'll just have a bottled mocha frappuccino," he mutters, feeling rather embarrassed.

"Alrighty!" she chirps, almost too enthusiastically. "Are you sure you don't want anything warm? You know like a steamy cup of latte? Or hot chocolate? I heard it's like Antarctica out there,"

" I think I'm fine with just that," he replies, smiling awkwardly.

The coffeehouse is filled with idle talks, laughter and opened MacBooks, filled with life and warmth, filled with strangers with untold stories and forgotten dreams. The boy nestles in a heavily cushioned pod-shaped hanging chair next to a large window that, sadly, doesn't provide viewers with any view of the outside world. They can only see their reflected selves, their hurried moments of affection, their lipstick-stained coffee mugs, their involuntary facial nuances, their unintentional displays of vexation. It's like watching a reality TV show, watching the lives of other people on a glass screen. But then, only then, they realize that they've been watching themselves all this time, watching their own lives becoming other people's lives. On the other side of the window, passersby can peer into the lives of others: a woman with her lover but not her husband, a divorced father with his two daughters, a group of teenage boys trying to woo one of the pretty baristas, two college girls munching on birthday cake pops while trading dirty secrets, a boy sitting all alone by the window staring into space. It's like watching a family sitcom, watching the lives of other people through a glass screen. But then, only then, they realize that the thespians they've been watching are actual people and that the lives they've been speculating are actual lives.

From his quiet corner, the boy observes, taking small sips of his frappuccino every now and then. In between soundless sips, he thinks of her.

The way she laughs. The way she talks about her dreams. The way she tilts her head and squints her eyes when she doesn't get a joke. The way her eyes gleam in the dark. The way she hums along to The Beatles' PolyThene Pam. The way she walks barefoot on grass. The way she chews on her fingernails. The way she...

His reverie is suddenly disrupted by a voice. A shrill, merry voice. "Hey! I got you coffee!" Lou is standing next to him with a cup of coffee clasped between her long, slender fingers, displaying a set of impeccably lacquered nails.

Before he manages to get his consciousness completely out of the clouds to utter a word, Lou has already put down the coffee cup and started walking away. One of her colleagues is trying to suppress a snicker, while another is smirking at her. There is something written on the sleeve of the coffee cup.

I think you're cute!
Call me ;) 

Well, she is unquestionably attractive. But he finds her appearance a little too brassy and audacious, her lips a little too glossy, her eyelids a little too smoky, her contour a little too sharp, her teeth a little too bleached, her fingernails a little too polished. Typical. What's happened to subtlety and shy beauty?  

He reaches into his backpack and takes out his battered notepad and a pen, reconciling with his thoughts, his immaculately engineered apparition. The details of her face, the fragments from her favorite song, the residue of her dreams and the remnants of her laughter act as rungs he can hold on to, rungs of a ladder that can transport him to her past. Black ink oozes from the metal tip of the pen as it slides across a slightly browned sheet of paper.

Dear Lou, 
I picture you sitting across the table from me, biting your forefinger and rhythmically stirring your coffee...
I picture you looking up from your coffee and into my eyes, I picture myself holding your gaze...   

untitled again
Saturday, June 25, 2016 @ 5:50 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

Salutations Earth people... it's been weeks since my last blog entry, and I suppose it's safe to say a lot have happened, On June 9, at 10:43 p.m., we broke up. For real this time. And, as shocking as it may sound, he was the one who asked for a breakup. I remember how my eyes widened at the sight of his text, and how I managed to let out several incredulous gasps before replying him. We ended on a good note, though. We promised that we would remain good friends, and that time would prove if we were really meant for each other. I was literally choking on my tears when he said he would always love me no matter what, I couldn't cry my heart out because Khoa (my housemate) would hear my childish sobs from the kitchen, so my muffled bawling and indignant whinpering would have to suffice. Well, now that I no longer have relationship problems to worry about, I can finally worry about other things in my life, like my grades, my job (I haven't even found a job yet LOL), my internship (I haven't found that either), my career (I haven't had a career yet actually)... I honestly don't think I have time for a relatiosnhip because I barely have time for God and for myself. When was the last time I actually sat down, emptied my head and enjoyed a good cup of coffee? When was the last time I actually ran barefoot on sun-kissed grass and painted flowers in the evening breeze? Watched the sunset with a book in one hand and a bar of Hershey's dark chocolate in the other? 

Anyhow, let's end this on a good note, shall we? Here's a little advice for all single people out there: don't just walk past a garden, stop to take in the beauty of each flower, observe every detail and love every petal, even the fallen ones; don't just shove a donut down your throat, relish every sugary bite of it and forget about the calorie count; don't just spend your Saturdays on your couch watching TV, take a walk in the park or grab your favorite book and have a little picnic on your backyard; don't just cook for yourself, make food for your loved ones; don't just drink coffee, have coffee. 

Your life doesn't have to be mundane and purposeless just because you're single. Being single means more time for yourself, more time for your family, more time for your friends, more time for God. It means endless possibilities and self-embarked adventures. 

Be free. Be yourself. Love life. Love yourself.  

Saturday, June 4, 2016 @ 2:23 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with emotion that you find it almost impossible to speak to anyone about it? But it's not just any emotion, like anger, or delight, or sadness; instead, it's a concoction of fragile sentiments, overlapping each other, interwoven. Lately, I've been feeling this way. Whenever someone asks, "How are you?", I would just smile and lie, "Good." or "Doing just fine." or "I'm hanging in there." The truth is I'm not good, I'm not doing anywhere near fine, and I most certainly am not hanging in there. That's why I've stopped talking about my feelings. But you know what they say, once you stop talking about your feelings, you would stop feeling. Your heart would harden, grow numb even. It would become a void, a hole through which every happy moment or melancholy song falls. In other / less severe-sounding words, you would become less of a human. Well, that doesn't sound much of a comfort either.

Since I'm incapable of talking about my palpitating pot of emotion, I've decided to write about it. 

I guess it all started when I told my boyfriend I wanted a break from him. I told him on the phone (no, not even FaceTime or Skype, because I knew I couldn't bear watching him cry), but the moment I heard him sobbing and blurting out 'but I love you's at the other end of the tenuous line, I knew I would never be able to love the same way again. The pain of breaking someone else's heart is always greater than breaking your own. It was also in that very moment when I began to simultaneously feel every possible emotion. Guilt. Because I made him cry, and I made him think thaat I don't love him anymore. But I do, I still do. Just in a different way now. Relief. Because I finally said what I had been dying to say. The "We need to take a break" phrase had been sitting on the tip of my tongue like a cold slab of marble for months, so imagine the relief of  'losing some weight'. Staccatos of joy. Because I finally mustered the courage to face fear. I was tired of running away, I was sick of being scared. Indescribable agony. Because after I faced my fear, I realized that my boyfriend was my fear. He, once my drug, my soulmate, the only being I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, had become the one I wanted so badly to get rid of. Disgust followed by bursts of rage. Because I was disgusted by and with myself. How could I? How dared I? He gave you all his love and more, and this was what you repaid him with. Followed by bursts of rage. How could I be so selfish? All I ever thought of was what I wanted, but what about what he wanted? I was furious at myself, I wanted to punish myself, but then I realized that this was my punishment, this was the death I had unwittingly sentenced myself to - guilt.

Being able to feel is a privilege, and that's what makes us human; but being able to feel everything simultaneously is torture, and that's also what makes us human.


Friday, March 4, 2016 @ 9:12 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

deafening silence
numbing pain
found missing
clearly confused
almost exactly
genuine imitation
bitter sweet
living dead

please listen to my thoughts
@ 8:40 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

Some people worry too much about tomorrow
that they forget to live today
Some people live too much today
that they forget they have tomorrow

Tomorrow might be better
tomorrow might be worse
But it's hope that makes us believe
in a better tomorrow

listen to my thoughts
Saturday, January 2, 2016 @ 4:10 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

Have you ever felt so small,
so minuscule, 
so insignificant 
in this great fantastical world? 
So small that the weight of the world
is crushing upon your shoulders,
so insignificant that you cease to exist...

existence is an illusion,
illusions are nonexistent...
it doesn't matter if we are merely specks of dust
floating in the moon's orbital belt,
or if we don't exist at all;
what matters is our absence,
what matters is us knowingly existing in nonexistence.

hello from the other side (literally)
Monday, December 14, 2015 @ 10:55 AM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )

" we have to explore our own thoughts before exploring the woods,
understand our wants and needs before understanding the wind,
discover ourselves before dicovering the world " 

It's been such a long time since I blogged anything, it's been years. When was the last time I posted an entry? I can't even remember. 

Well, here's a quick update about my life.

I'm currently studying at East Central University, a nearly invisible university in a nearly invisible town named Ada. In case you don't know where Ada is, it's in the state of Oklahoma. And, I'm currently in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend who's now studying in the University of Waterloo. And, I'm currently typing this while sitting alone in an empty cafe, with a mug of caramel macchiato clasped between my fingers and a half-eaten ham and cheese sandwich resting in a basket next to me. 

You must be wondering why I'm here alone. Well, let's just say everyone else has gone home for Christmas and I'm still stuck in this God-forsaken town with nothing but words to entertain me. I'm so glad that I'll be going to LA this Saturday - I can't wait! 

Okay, so you guys must be surrpised that I finally got myself a boyfriend, how in the world did this happen, you ask. I was brusque, desperate and stupid. A stupid young girl rushing into unfamiliar things, sailing into uncharted waters, stumbling upon a strange world of love and compromise. Don't get me wrong, our relationship was great. It started off great. We were both in love, and everyone said we were perfect for each other. I would always get butterflies when he looked at me in a certain way, I would always get excited when I received his texts, I would always wait for his replies even if it meant sacrificing my sleep. Things began going downhill ever since I came to the States.

I don't know why, but I just don't like talking to him as much as I used to. I find his texts annoying sometimes. I lie about not having a stable Internet connection to avoid Skyping with him everyday. I would rather lay on bed all day and rot in bottomless boredom than replying his texts. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?!


Okay, enough with the depressive news, let's have a change of topic. I've recently picked up water-coloring, it's time-consuming but really soothing. Earlier this morning, I trespassed a private golf course (it's located right beside my dormitory), sat on a patch of freshly trimmed grass under the sun for nearly 3 hours, painting. I have to admit, I'm not very good at it.

Have a great Christmas break everyone! 

recent addictions : part one
Sunday, February 23, 2014 @ 3:28 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` leave a comment ( 0 )
Hello peeps, today is a fine day for bloggers like you and me to blog about anything. So, instead of just rotting in front of the TV, changing the channels every now and then, munching on Chinese New Year leftover cookies, I'm gonna break my torpidity and make an effort to post a proper entry. Here's a blog post dedicated to all the things I have recently been SUPER CRAZY about.  

Category 1 : TV / Movies 

a. Sugar Dome

'Here is where cake and sugar do things they were never meant to do,' Remarkable artists of all types are gathered beneath the dome to fabricate the most eye-catching, jaw-dropping, heart-stopping food displays the world has ever witnessed. Each week, three teams comprising artists from completely different disciplines - cake designers, sugar artists, fruit carvers, graffiti masters, animatronics experts, or sand sculptors - enter a delicious yet grueling battle filled with seemingly impossible culinary twists to bring cake and sugar to life. Literally. 

b. Unique Eats

Madly, deeply, and irrevocably in love with this TV series OMAGAWD*. <3 It introduces various restaurants across America and their signature dishes, featuring interviews with food critics and celebrity chefs as they talk about their favorite signature dishes. Trust me, you're gonna drool over every dish they have to offer, and you're gonna get so hungry you'd probably lick your TV screen. 

c. Frozen 

I watched this with Mary one day before our Cambodia experiential trip - we both loved it! We hummed along to 'Do You Want To Build A Snowman', we chortled at Olaf's comical nuances and whimsical antics (laughed so loud that everyone else in the cinema had to look our way and shoooshed* at us), we marveled at the flawless intricacy of Elsa's ice fortress, we shed a few tears when Anna breathed her last mortal breath and turned into solid ice, we squealed like little girls and awwwhed* when Anna and Kristoff kissed.  

Meet the cast ! 
From left to right: Queen Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf (the snowman),
Sven (the reindeer), Princess Anna, Prince Hans
And here are a few of my favorite scenes from the movie. <3

Though I love Elsa and her beautiful 'ice queen' gown, Anna and her adorable clumsiness, Kristoff and his umm* reindeer, I have to say, Olaf killed it - he was the bomb of the movie. I'm serious, the movie would've been quite dull if it wasn't for the jubilant snowman. 

'Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle! But put me in summer and I'll be a... puddle!' hahahaha* Well, snowmen are supposed to melt in summer, until Olaf defied the law of Mother Nature LOL*. Olaf was created by Elsa, and a part of her had been unknowingly ingrained in the little snowman. He symbolized Elsa's innermost longings and deepest feelings, and maybe that's why we could all tell how much Olaf loved Anna and how much he strove to protect her from harm - the same way Elsa would have if it wasn't for her curse. Olaf taught Anna all she needed to know about love.





d. Pirates Of The Caribbean (Trilogy)

I don't know why, all I can say is that I'M HOOKED. Like, seriously. I know there's a fourth installment in the POTC film series (Pirates Of The Caribbean : On Stranger Tides), but I have to admit, I ain't completely crazy about it. Sure, there is Hollywood's brunette bombshell, Penelope Cruz as Blackbeard's daughter, Angelica Teach. And yes, there is a generous amount of romance - sweet young love blossoming between Philip Swift, a devout missionary and a beautiful mermaid whom he named Syrena. Nothing beats the archetypal depiction of love-at-first-sight, especially when Philip's role is played by the handsome + hot + sweet Sam Claflin (yes, he's the one who plays Finnick Odair in Catching Fire girly shrieks*). <3 Despite all that, I still miss seeing Orlando Bloom as swashbuckling buccaneer William Turner; how he always managed to strut into a sword fight with bravado and charisma, how he risked his life countless times to save his one true love, how he and Jack worked together as comrades in the most ludicrous ways, or how they sometimes betrayed one another for selfish desires. It's always fun to watch two men fight over a damsel, but wouldn't it be more fun if three men were fighting over, not a damsel, but the pumping heart of Davy Jones? 



Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.